Love Flow -  The easy fun workout that gets you in the flow state so you can heal and live to your potential

Love Flow - The easy fun workout that gets you in the flow state so you can heal and live to your potential

I have EDS (a connective tissue disorder) and MTHFR, conditions that brought many health challenges and they made it hard for me to consistently exercise. However, I needed regular exercise to remain pain free from theses conditions. I also needed the regular circulation of exercise to keep my brain alert and focused and to help consistently rid my body of environmental toxins, something you have to pay close attemtion to when you have MTHFR. 

A critical component to healing any disease, physical or mental is the practice of calming, soothing and regulating the nervous system.

We have to get and stay in a state of rest and digest as much as possible. Life can throw us out of balance again and again; we need to learn ways to get and stay out of fight or flight and into a relaxed but energized state, a flow state. 

With health concerns or dealing with past traumas, our nervous system gets disregulated. The way we move, breathe, eat, and sleep needs to be addressed and done in a new way that is more present to allow for healing. A frantic body cannot heal. 

To effectively heal, we need to get into a state where we are feeling and flowing love to ourselves and others as much of the time as possible. We need to rid ourselves of fear, worry, jealousy and rumination and get in the present moment where we can truly relax and know that all is well. 

We have to practice this new way of being and exercise is a deeply powerful way to practice this.

This was a bit of a challenge for me to learn but once I did, I wanted to share that feeling with others. I created love flow to help us with that. 

Love Flow helps you practice this better way to exercise that radically relaxes and empowers you.  When you start your day with calm, centered clarity, your world changes around you. 

Love Flow gets you in a flow state which is a highly creative, and empowered state. It's easy to do and it soothes to shift you into a peaceful coherent heart flow state while helping you to improve posture, self-confidence, and higher stable energy.

Once you learn the Love Flow method, you can include the concepts in everything you do and change the way you move through life. In that sense, it's a meditation, because it helps to caum and regulate your body

Each exercise was carefully chosen to give you maximum fitness results in the shortest time possible giving you a fully enlivening, body toning, creatively inspiring workout while focusing and inspiring you to take decisive action in your day.  Love flow can help you in healing disease and it can help you to feel strong and empowered in your body again. 

Love Flow is:

Suitable for beginner and advanced fitness levels

Gentle yet highly effective

Great for people who i'm just getting back to exercise


Great for busy adults and entrepreneurs and those experiencing high stress who want to get into a maximally creative flow state. 

Improves: Focus, Energy, Balance, Posture, Mood, Flexibility, Self-Confidence

Contains: digital downloadable audio Love Flow - the Basic Flow - 30 min practice

Testimonial for Love Flow ( See more on my testimonial page)

"From the first day I tried Love Flow, I really got into it. The exercises are easy to do and the rhythm is soothing, like love. I could feel my energy building! Allyson has a beautiful voice that puts you in the flow. It doesn't take much time to do it, so it's good to add it to your morning routine if you want to start your day on a totally calm inspiring note with lots of energy for the entire day. I stayed in the flow for the rest of the day, so even going up and down the stairs felt like a dance. I just love it!!!"

Regular $39

Sale $25.00 includes all taxes

Purchase by Venmo @MojoFlowStateFreestyle and email with your full name, your email and the product name you are ordering. Please allow three days for delivery of your digital download to your email.

Thank you for your orderi, I look forward to supporting you on your healing journal. You are precious and You are NOT alone!