You Are Not Alone - Inspiration To Exercise Creatively

You Are Not Alone - Inspiration To Exercise Creatively

Do you feel too tired to exercise or uninspired? Enjoy this fun and unique inspirational 10 minute audio guide that helps you get moving freely and have fun in all exercise. Gives you ideas on how to express yourself creatively in movement, as well as encouragement and support. In this audio I share the tricks and tips I used to get myself inspired and develop a life long love of exercise. Free yourself to be your true self. 

Men really appreciate this audio as well as women! Get moving to feel good now!

Contents: Ten minute downloadable audio

Regular $20

On Sale Now $13.00 includes all taxes

Purchase by Venmo @MojoFlowStateFreestyle and email with your full name, your email and the product name you are ordering. Please allow three days for delivery of your digital download to your email.

Thank you for your order. I look forward to supporting you on your healing journal. You are precious AND You are NOT alone!