When did you last play?

Have you ever felt bone dry... fresh out of energy, spunk, motivation, pleasure, power, or sense of humor?

And then you stopped what you were doing or attempting to do and you let yourself take some time to stop and be free.

You stopped doing "things" or "work"... and simply let yourself be. You found yourself taking a walk, staring out the window at nature, you sat down and read a book or listened to music. You let yourself IMAGINE.

Even in the four actions listed above - a pleasure walk, observing nature, reading or listening to music; there are elements of play and freedom, letting go...opening.

We're stopping to let something "inspire" us. These are some adult pleasures or levels of play we allow ourselves to sometimes enjoy but there is much more. 

Moving freely and creatively in dance, or any other form of exercise is a form of play. And even just a few minutes at home alone enjoying freeing movement or singing is often enough to break the stiffness or tightness we can feel from sitting too long or feeling worried or tired. Creative moving and playing builds energy.

Give yourself the gift of some play time doing anything creative that you enjoy or think you might enjoy or used to enjoy. You many just need to time to get past the little bit of crusty that got built up. 

That's ok, we all get a little crusty and play propels that all away and we become lighter, younger, freer, fresher and full of life again. 

Play helps us in SO many ways.  Playful exercise and a playful attitude has most certainly helped me stick with movement, and heal my thyroid. Play has lightened my mood in challenging times and helped me release tensions I didn't need to be carrying.

Play helps me look and feel young. I'm a massive fan of "play". And it's contagious. You'll break out, in smiles and good feelings. Catch a little "play" whatever you can and you FEEL all it's benefits! The people around you will be glad you are leading them to more freedom too so take the lead and get your crew in a more playful mood with your example.